How To Shift Your Marketing Efforts During the COVID-19 Crisis

Reading Time: 2 minutesVeterinary Communications During COVID-19

COVID-19 is a major healthcare crisis that has taken the entire world by storm. Right now, your pet parents and referring DVMs need to know if/when you are open for business so effective communication is a must.

Every veterinary hospital and practice is unique, but here are some guidelines to help you:

  1. Do not stop “marketing” your services, rather change your messaging so it is a real-time reflection of what your practice is doing to respond to the situation.
  2. The community is hungry for leadership and empathy. That means being a voice of credibility, reason, calmness, and protection. All of your communication efforts must be current, polished, and appropriate.
  3. Use multiple channels, at least weekly if not more, to ensure messages are received. Update your website, send emails to clients and your referral community, use your social media networks to help spread the word. Even if you simply repost your current protocols, do so with a new date so readers know you are being current.
  4. Be a resource for the pet community in your communications aside from just talking about the practice. Mention other sources if your practice doesn’t offer something. Provide links to your local shelters, in-home euthanasia services, online articles, etc. Be of service so your posts don’t look like they are just about you and show you are most of all concerned about pets.

Right now, it is essential to both serve and inform the public. It is also an opportunity to ethically and effectively position your practice for the future – there will be one post-pandemic.

As always, if you need assistance with any communication initiatives, please do not hesitate to reach out to the BluePrints marketing team at 949-756-8071.


Categories: Marketing Posted: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 Tags: ,