Dear Dr. Noah Lot – How to Cut Through the Digital Clutter with Meaningful Content

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear Dr. Noah Lot,

How can our clinic’s social media content actually reach pet owners given all the news, viral posts, and paid ads?

– Sally from Veterinary Referral Center

Dear Sally,

An excellent question and a common problem across industries, I have three suggestions on cutting through the digital clutter with meaningful content.

Select the Right Social Media Network

Follow the adage go where your audience is. It is a bit hard to cut through social media noise when you are on every network. Choose one or two platforms that align with your brand, and you know that your audience uses.

A hint – the largest pet owner population, millennials’ preferred social network is Instagram, and older pet owners prefer Facebook. It can be challenging to compete on a content-saturated platform like TikTok since it is for a younger (teens and young adults) and international audience.

Tell a Story

Every business account is trying to sell a service or product on social media. Some are a bit more overt than others. That is why you have to tell a meaningful story. When publishing a photo of a pet patient, go beyond a short caption – describe how your team saved or improved the pet’s life. Remember to include the who, what, where, when, and why. Additionally, before and after images/videos are a great way to tell a story.

Don’t Be Afraid to Write in Length

Social media is a hard place to be competitive. So, you often have to think outside the litter box. While a majority of social media content is short, sometimes it is okay to go long. Going back to point #2, if you have a good story to tell, then tell it! Don’t be afraid to write a long post or a meatier Instagram caption, especially if it goes into detail about how your veterinary team saved an animal’s life, worked with a zoo to provide healthcare, or performed a progressive treatment. While social media moves fast, sharing engaging photos or videos complemented with a moving and inspiring story will stop people from scrolling and get them to read and learn more about your hospital.

If you need additional assistance creating meaningful content that cuts through the noise, reach out to my friends at BluePrints Veterinary Marketing Group.


Dr. Noah Lot


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Categories: Dr. Noah Lot, Marketing, Social Media Posted: Thursday, November 11, 2020 Tags: , , ,